Table of Contents


This page is dedicated to the documentation of how we have encoded oneye user data into a mySQL database.

Any suggestions, concerns, problems or other should be brought to light on the forums, specifically in this thread. (To those used to MediaWiki-type wiki, think of the forum page linked as the discussion page for this wiki page).

The Codebase

As with all current development on oneye, the current code for the implementation is publicly accessible on GitHub. Specifically, here:

The Database

The database format is mySQL.

The method used to connect to the database from PHP is the mySQLi Extension, included by default with PHP and compatible with databases created with mySQL v4.1 and later (current stable version: v5.1).


The values of these constants will be used by oneye to connect to the database. The root user will, of course, be able to change the values.

Constant Description Constant Default Value Notes
mySQL Server Address MYSQL_SERVER
Database Name MYSQL_DBNAME oneyeDB
Database Username MYSQL_USERNAME www-data
Database Password MYSQL_PASSWORD Stored encrypted

The Tables

List of currently implementated tables:

The Fields

Field Name Type Length Permitted to be Null Default Value Other notes
username varchar 32 No Primary Key
password char 32 No
email varchar 64 Yes
quota integer Yes NULL Unsigned, NULL = 'System Default'
fullname varchar 64 Yes
createDate integer Yes 0 Unsigned
lastLogin integer Yes 0 Unsigned
expirationDate integer Yes 0 Unsigned
disabled char 1 Yes 0
admin char 1 Yes 0
maintainer char 1 Yes 0
Field Name Type Length Permitted to be Null Default Value Other notes
username varchar 32 No Primary Key
groupname varchar 32 No Primary Key
Field Name Type Length Permitted to be Null Default Value Other notes
maintainer varchar 32 No Primary Key
username varchar 32 No Primary Key
Field Name Type Length Permitted to be Null Default Value Other notes
maintainer varchar 32 No Primary Key
groupname varchar 32 No Primary Key


For reference purposes:

List of field types in mySQL databases:
Current values being saved in xml